Wednesday, March 27, 2013



By J.C.

     Knights were not considered good in the Middle Ages. They often came through villages and towns, trampling crops and killing people and livestock. They did so because they were fighting, really, amongst themselves for more land and booty.
The church was not pleased at all by this. They tried oh-so-many times to stop it. Finally they succeeded with the code of Chivalry.
Chivalry was something all knights had to follow and what made a knight a good knight. A knight following chivalry was loyal to God, the church, and the lord whom he served. He had to protect woman, children, and the weak. Knights were expected to be brave and be able to endure suffering. Also knights must be trustworthy, just, fair, and kind, plus he should never break a promise. He was to be generous to everyone and to be merciful to his enemies as well. And even if it would mean sacrificing his life a knight would never dream of shrinking back from his duties. 

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