Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Amazing Ancient Egypt

          Amazing Ancient Egypt       
                                                                                                    By Matthew      

     Ancient egypt was a wonderful place with all kinds of things to do and see such as mummies and pyramids and sphinxes oh my.  One of the spectacular seven wonders of ancient Egypt is in Giza.  It’s the Great Pyramid!  Amazingly this marvelous monument, which towers 450 ft. tall above the base, is 756 ft. on each side!  It contains over 2 million bricks each weighing 2 and a half tons!  It is believed to have taken approximately 20 years and 100,000 men to build one pyramid.  They built pyramids for pharaohs and queens as tombs.  They would start construction years before the royal died.  They made traps and secret passage ways to keep tomb robbers away but sadly most of the treasures have been stolen.  Few  treasures are still left today but luckily the Great Pyramid is still standing today.

     A sphinx is a imaginary creature that is in numerous ancient egypt myths.  It has a body of a lion and a head of either a man, a ferocious falcon, or a raging ram.  Many of the sphinxes, which were fashioned to honor the kings, often incredibly resembled the kings.  Significantly they were the symbol of power and protection.  The most famous sphinx is the towering Great Sphinx that sits beside the Great Pyramid.  It is the oldest and largest  sphinx standing today!  It is 240 ft. long and 60 ft. high.  Now that’s cool! The sphinx is a truly amazing imaginary creature.  

     A mummy is a preciously preserved body that has died.  The Egyptians, who believed that the bodies were needed for the after life, mummified the truly dead bodies.  Tediously, it was believed that it took 70 days to mummify someone.  It was a long process.  The priests put the mummified body inside many coffins.  They believed that the mummies needed spells to keep them safe in the afterlife so they put spells in their tomb.  Some mummies are still presently preserved today!  Those are only a few of the preserved treasures of the amazing ancient egypt.

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