Saturday, December 1, 2012

Nerf Gun Review:Praxis

Nerf Gun Review:Praxis
By Matthew
     The Praxis is an awesome gun!  The length is 26 inches (2ft 2in).  On the gun the colors are green, orange, and grey.  It comes with 10 discs along with a holder for them.  It shoots bullets the farthest I’ve ever seen (well of non-battery guns)!  This is one of the only guns that has not had any jamming problems so far, and I’ve bought quite a few of guns.  I especially like this gun because it is really easy to bring around because it comes apart (I can even fit it in my backpack)!!!  I rate this gun 4 out of 5 whistling darts!
This retails for about $30, but on Amazon you can buy it for only $25!

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